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"I grew up with German Shepherds my entire life and was honestly not a small-dog fan before Timmy came along. He changed me. He taught me that huge heart and big personality still comes in tiny, 9.4 pound packages. There are no words to express how grateful I am for the most amazing, loving and loyal companion he was to me for almost 13 years.


When the time came to allow him the rest he very much deserved, I reached out … I don't know how I could have navigated the most heart-breaking decision of my life without them but they managed to make it all so seamless and a little more bearable.


Emily is the angel that came to the house and helped our angel gain his wings and peacefully cross the Rainbow Bridge. Her genuine compassion and care of both us and Timmy in his last earth-life moments mean more than she will ever know and we could not have asked for a sweeter individual to guide us through the difficult journey…"


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